Walking up to the Agro Café near Beit Shemesh, Israel, is nothing extraordinary from the outside. In typical Israeli fashion the café is a social collision spot. Old kibbutzniks drinking strong black, young hipsters with their frothy lattes, and soldiers grabbing an espresso or a “Kafe Me’ushan” (Turkish coffee) for the go; everyone enjoys the experience. Some huddle in the corners hurriedly typing out some assignment, while the older crowd sits outside smoking, reading the “Iton” (Newspaper), and arguing about the latest government decision or some juicy gossip.
Stepping Inside the World of AgroCafe
While the scene above is any typical Israeli coffee shop throughout Israel, and while Agro doesn’t appear to be much on the outside, the story of Agro and the work they do around the world makes one inspired to drink as much coffee as one can while visiting. Walking through the doors of Agro is like walking into another world... literally a world of its own. A place which brings the best coffee of the world to its customers. And while the scene above is a typical scene to encounter, the story of Agro distinguishes it from its competitors.

We had a great time at AgroCafe meeting the team and drinking coffee!
Agro was started by Chanan Elyakim with the vision to support coffee growers throughout the world. Chanan saw the difficulties of coffee growers worldwide and imagined what could happen if he brought Israeli technology to coffee growers in places like Ethiopia, Brazil, and Colombia. He travels the world, installing “fertigation” systems that combine water and fertilization, free of charge. It was an amazing success where the coffee growers he was working with began to see exponential growth to their coffee crops.
Chanan also ensures that the people he works with are legit. No slave labor, no harmful chemicals, and no corruption allow you, the consumer, to breathe easy when drinking these delicious (roasted in Israel) brews. From coffee growers around the world, to Israel, to your doorstep—enjoy our coffee while knowing that you are strengthening Israel and making the world a better place!
Bonnie Bucher
December 12, 2024
I bought the promotional pack and the IDF blend but have not tried any yet.