Tonight begins the Holiday of Shavuot, which in Hebrew, literally translates to the Feast of Weeks. 50 days have come and gone since the Holiday of Passover, and now that we have counted 7 weeks from then, we come to the holiday of Shavuot, aka, Pentecost, which is the Greek word “pentēkostē” and means “fiftieth.”
What Happened on Shavuot?
Traditionally, on this day the Torah was revealed to the nation of Israel upon Mount Sinai after their Exodus from Egypt. It is also the day, according to Christian tradition, when the Holy Spirit fell upon the Followers of Jesus. The holiday of Shavuot is tied very closely with the agricultural cycle and marks the beginning of the Spring wheat harvest in the land of Israel.

Wheat growing in the Land of Israel. Photo: Eli Shukron
This is why it is traditional to read the book of Ruth during this holiday. Within the story of Ruth, we read all about the wheat harvest which was taking place at the time, which means this story would have occurred right around the time of Shavuot.
Wheat and the sprouting of Redemption
Wheat is a great representation of what the Exodus, Acts, and Ruth story are all about. Things that began their germination a long time ago, are finally seeing their fulfillment on this holiday. The story of the Exodus is crowned with the Giving of the Torah. The story of Jesus’ followers is crowned with the giving of the Spirit. And finally, the book of Ruth is crowned by the birth of David, the future king of Israel, from whose line the Promised Messiah will come! All of these things, which began like little wheat kernels; germinated, sprouted and bore much fruit on this holiday of Shavuot.
So, this holiday of Shavuot, we invite you to join us, as we participate with the nation of Israel (which began as a small wheat kernel of an idea) in restoring her heartland. Because on this holiday, we are truly witnessing the sprouting of our Redemption!
Enjoy organic wheat flour from the Land of Israel! Shop Now
Sheila Leach
June 18, 2024
Praying for the Peace of Jerusalem. May God bless Israel and His people. Protect the IDF and the hostages. Thank you Father