The events leading up to the first Hanukkah demanded people make a definite choice. Would the Jewish People stay true to God, or would they capitulate to the forces of evil that told them to abandon the truth or be killed?
Today, God’s people are faced with a similar choice. For the Jewish People, it’s the choice between destroying their enemies, or continual terror and threats of annihilation. For Christians, there also exists the choice between light and darkness. Will we stand with Israel in its time of need, or adopt an indifferent silence putting us on the wrong side?
October 7th, 2023, should have been a reality check, a wake-up call to the world. Many heard the call, and opened their eyes to reality, to see the clear lines between good and evil. Yet there are still those who cling to harmful myths and fruitless visions of peace where there is none to be had.
Our responsibility in all of this
For decades, the international community has been pressuring Israel to make concessions to enemies whose chief aim is to exterminate all the Jews. The United Nations, European Union, and United States have given billions of dollars in “aid” that has gone to lining the pockets of corrupt terror leaders and paying salaries of imprisoned terrorists. Your tax dollars have been spent educating children to hate Jews, the same children who grew up to be the terrorists who carried out the unspeakable horrors of October 7.
Israel March in Washington D.C. November 15, 2023. While many in the U.S. support Israel, that support is eroding.
Since Israel’s founding, the West has perpetuated myths that have weakened Israel and strengthened its enemies. Western leaders have insisted that peace could be had in exchange for land. They pressured Israel to leave Gaza in the early 2000’s. They pressured Israel into the Oslo Accords that led to more terrorism. They strongarm Israel into ceasefires with Hamas. So though October 7 was a surprise and shock, it’s also the natural consequence of years of denial, and refusal to acknowledge basic truths. Even now, the Biden Administration continues to push a vision for a Two State “Solution”.
This despite the massive enthusiasm for Hamas in Judea and Samaria: one recent poll put them at 75% support. And yet the world wants Israel to completely give up this crucial area for the creation of a “peaceful” Palestinian State! This would create a situation similar to Gaza, except in this case, Palestinian terrorists would have the high ground, looking down from the mountain ranges on Israel’s populated coast only 9 miles wide at places.
When does the insanity end?
As long as Israel’s enemies sense weakness, and are allowed a glimmer of hope that Israel can be destroyed, they will continue their campaigns of violence. And when those who claim to be Israel’s friends and allies act in ways that weaken Israel, hostile forces in the region will continue to be emboldened to continue their war against the Jewish State.

IDF soldiers on the beach in Northern Gaza, December 2, 2023. (Photo: Israel Defense Force)
Despite the speak-one-way-act-another approach of the Biden Administration, Israel still enjoys broad support in Washington D.C. It’s become more clear lately, however, that the tides are changing. It’s a sad reality in the west that younger generations are more anti-Israel than previous generations. Influenced by social media, and a polarizing political climate, our future leaders are increasingly siding with Hamas, the perpetrators of the violent massacre of October 7th. It’s important to recognize this trend if we’re to do anything about it.
The boycott movement (BDS) has had little impact on Israel economically so far, but what happens when the college-age demographic their message resonates with comes to power in the next 20 years? Our universities are in a very sad state. Just this week, presidents of three Ivy League Universities were questioned by Congress, and gave horrible non-answers when asked about cracking down on anti-Israel activities and genocidal language against Jews on campus.
It’s time to choose… and stand!
These alarming facts shouldn’t be reasons for God’s people to fear. Instead they should serve to motivate us to take more action. In this season of Hanukkah, when we remember the miracles God performed for His people when they took a bold stand against evil, let us also dedicate our lives to taking a stand.God gave the Jewish People a Land. He has brought them home and they are building a bright future in it. What great miracles have happened in fulfillment of the ancient prophecies the past 150 years! What a privilege it is to witness the Land coming to life in our days. What remains now, is for Israel to take full possession of their inheritance. And it’s high time for anyone who claims to be a friend of Israel to realize any other path will fail to bring peace.
What will it take for us to act? How many Jews have to lose their lives before we say “Enough!”? Will it take this radical hatred coming to our own doorstep before we are moved into action? No, let it be today that we renew—redouble—our efforts to speak the truth, act for what is right, and put our money where our mouth is! Don’t miss the opportunity, the reminder, of Hanukkah to be a bright light in this dark world.
Carol squires
January 07, 2024
I pray for all of you everyday i stand with Israel im so sorry and ashamed that you are seeing protest in my country against the state of Israel you have every right to protect your people and your nation dont give them an inch because they want a mile and more .Evil must never be allowed to win the youth in my county are dissolution because they have never faced war but i fear that its only a matter of time when we all will have to take a stand God be with you all