
The EU and the UN stand against the Land and God of Israel

As the nations seek to divide the land of Israel, give Judea and Samaria as a Palestinian State, and remove any Jewish presence from the heartland of Israel, it’s becoming more and more crucial to take a stand for truth.

“Why do the nations rage, and the people plot a vain thing? The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord and against His Anointed.” Psalm 2:1-2

Just last week, the European Union (EU) and the United Nations strongly condemned plans approved by Israel for the construction of 5,288 new settler homes in Judea and Samaria, calling it a violation of international law.

The EU went even further to demand the implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 2334, which calls for Israel to return to the 1949 armistice lines, according to the Jerusalem Post. Resolution 2334, which was passed by the UN in 2016—a move which had the tacit approval of the United States—condemns any Israeli presence in Judea and Samaria and calls for the complete end to settlement activities in what they call the "occupied Palestinian territory," which we know to be the biblical heartland of Israel. 

It was in Judea and Samaria that much of the Bible was written or took place, it was on Elon Moreh in Judea and Samaria that God promised the land to Abraham and his descendants as an everlasting covenant, and it is in Judea and Samaria that Jews have continuously lived for thousands of years. It is places like Jerusalem, Hebron, Shiloh, and Shechem—sites with deep spiritual, strategic and historical significance to the Jewish people—that the world says are not part of Israel, and should be designated as part of a Palestinian state.

Further, the world calls this place the “West Bank” or “occupied Palestinian territories” to disassociate Judea and Samaria from the Jewish people and claim that Israel is somehow stealing the land, a land given to them by God and promised to their descendants forever. Not to mention Israel’s moral and legal rights to the Land.

“The days are coming, declares the LORD, when I will bring my people Israel and Judah back from captivity and restore them to the land I gave their ancestors to possess, says the LORD.”

The Lord is bringing the people of Israel back to the Land he promised them, yet the nations stand in direct opposition to these promises and claim to have the authority to divide God’s land.

The question then is, who has the authority to divide the land of Israel? Is it the nations, or is it the God of Israel who promised the land to Abraham and his descendants forever? The choice is ours and has never been clearer. Will we stand with the world in direct opposition to God’s plan or will we join in faith to believe the prophecies that God spoke over this land thousands of years ago?

God has called each one of us to believe in his promises and support the work of redemption he is doing right now, in our time. Join in and support the families and small businesses that the whole world stands against and condemns, who believe God and are rebuilding the Land promised to them.


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5 Responses

Lynette Johnson

Lynette Johnson

November 07, 2020

May the God of Israel continue to bless the land. I stand with Israel and continue to pray that God’s chosen people continue to thrive.



October 21, 2020

I pray, support and love Israel. Was in Samaria in 2018 and there is no doubt that Judea and Samaria belong to Israel especially when you see the evidence. Cannot wait to go back and stay longer.



October 20, 2020




October 20, 2020

The nations do rage, but in vain. God is in control. Pray that Trump is reelected because he is for Israel. Amen and Maranatha!

Debra Schumacher

Debra Schumacher

November 06, 2020

I stand with Israel.

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