
What's next for Israel?

Since the brutal Hamas attacks of October 7, 2023, Israel has been at war. It’s taken the lives of over 300 soldiers, in addition to those killed in the surprise attack. Prime Minister Netanyahu described the threats Israel faces on seven fronts: Gaza, Lebanon, Iraq, Iran, Syria, Judea and Samaria (the West Bank), and Yemen. Israel’s economy has taken a big hit as well—from Israelis being displaced from their homes, and serving in the IDF, as well as the cost of war materials.

You all have made a big impact—your purchase of products is an investment in the families on the front lines in Judea and Samaria. You also may have noticed we’re running low on products—the current situation has made things more difficult—but we’re doing everything we can to bring you more of the wonderful goodness of the Land soon!

What’s happening with Hezbollah in Lebanon?

Since the Hamas attacks from Gaza on October 7, 2023, terrorists in Israel’s north have been launching attacks on Israel as well. The attacks have consisted of rockets, anti-tank missiles, and suicide drones. Civilians and soldiers have been killed and injured, and a lot of property has been damaged from direct hits and fires.

The result has been the emptying of tens of thousands of people from Israel’s northern towns. Since October 7, they have been unable to return to their homes. Overall, around 200,000 Israelis have been displaced from their homes, both in the north and south.

Now, as Israel fights the few remaining organized Hamas battalions in Gaza, and the attacks from Hezbollah are ramping up, it looks like war in Lebanon is inevitable. Israel needs to restore security in its north so people can return to their homes, and not be threatened by the hundreds of thousands of rockets Hezbollah has aimed at its population centers.

It’s impossible to know what the next couple of months hold. Israel still has 120 of its people being held hostage in Gaza, and areas it has not yet cleared of terrorists. As always, the best time to pray for Israel and support Israel is now. We can all find ways to do more, to speak to more people, to invest more, to contribute to strengthening Israel in these hard times.

11 Responses



August 09, 2024

My daily prayer is that GOD’s chosen people will overcome their enemies, that He will restore peace to Jerusalem, and the people will come to know the Lord Jesus Christ as their Messiah. May the Father of Lights bless you and keep you!



July 04, 2024

I am praying with you! So much that you as a people are carrying. Asking God to speak to the people and thanking him as I hear reports of people hearing and even seeing him as they reach out to him! God sees all of us and he is love.

Anette Hall

Anette Hall

June 28, 2024

It will be difficult, but I know that Israel can handle the trials the country is facing. In addition to the war that is on the verge of breaking out, there is another trial that the country is exposed to, that is the division. I pray for a united and strong Israel. Once the war is over, only then can one discuss which political path the country should take. From Sweden I send my prayers to Israel.

Anette Hall

Kathleen Magill

Kathleen Magill

June 28, 2024

Israel should just bomb the heck out of hezbolla and destroy any and all strongholds of hezbolla. Isreal needs to stop worrying about how the world feels about them. Israel also needs to do the same with hamas. The Jews and Israel are God’s people and chosen by God to live in the land of Israel. Father God in Heaven I pray that you destroy any and all evil that are going against Your chosen people. I pray for peace in Israel.
In Jesus name Amen

peter ortiz

peter ortiz

June 28, 2024

I support Isreal and the Israeli people 💯 percent. I also love your products. Are you going to receive more products in the near future?

Tim and Louise Spencer

Tim and Louise Spencer

June 28, 2024

May God bless Israel as her people seek to follow Him.
And may the men and women of the IDF take heart from what was said to Gideon when the angel of the Lord appeared to him and said to him, “The Lord is with you, O valiant warrior.” (Judges 6:12)
They have joined those so greatly honoured when it was written “And what more shall I say? For time will fail me if I tell of Gideon, Barak, Samson, Jephthah, of David and Samuel and the prophets, who by faith conquered kingdoms, performed acts of righteousness, obtained promises, shut the mouths of lions, quenched the power of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, from weakness were made strong, became mighty in war, put foreign armies to flight. (Hebrew 11:32-34)”

Irene Strayhorn

Irene Strayhorn

June 28, 2024

From the beginning when the Israelites entered into the land God gave them He said to diligently keep the mitzvot of Adonai, and His testimonies and His statues that He has commanded you. You are to do what is right and good in the sight of Adonai so that it may go well with you and you may go in and posess the good land……to drive out ALL your enemies from before you, as Adonai has spoken. Det. 6:17-19

Abraham Arjona

Abraham Arjona

June 28, 2024

Israel will win the war no matter what the enemies do to try to be more powerful, stronger, and getting help from supporters because in Genesis 12:3 a promise was given to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and the future descendents that are the people of Israel that always existed to this day that those that bless Israel will be blessed, and those that curse them will be curse, and it’s been a long time that I noticed that it’s also a warning to the enemies of Israel that are the Devil’s army, and all of the armies of the devil in the past were terminated, and that’s why Israel still exist, and will exist forever. Am Yisrael Chai,
Shalu shalom Yerushalaiyim.

David Hughes

David Hughes

June 28, 2024

My personal favourite historical figure is Winston Churchill, who buoyed up a populace under intense attacks by unimaginable EVIL! Just as Israel is today! My unforgettable quote from Churchill is “Never Give Up, Never Give Up, Never Ever Give Up”! For Israel to capitulate is for Israel to be annihilated. We pray for Israel to prevail and KNOW that GOD is with you!



June 28, 2024


Michal Ventimiglia

Michal Ventimiglia

June 28, 2024


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