
Vineyards are about to be bulldozed: Make your voice heard!

The court system in Israel ruled this week that forty-two acres of Jewish-owned vineyards in Samaria must be uprooted and destroyed. The vineyards are owned by Achiya Farm industries, which bottles much of the olive oil that Blessed Buy Israel sells, from olives grown and produced by small farmers and businesses in Judea and Samaria.

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In Israel, there is a law called the “disruptive use order,” which means that if an Arab comes forward to claim that a Jew invaded his land, then the Jewish tenant must be evicted, according to The Israel Guys.

This absurd law, which has been highly criticized by numerous Israeli legal experts, allows anybody to claim any land without bringing proof. Yet, Achiya was recently targeted with this “disruptive use order” over forty-two acres of their land, and although the court system ruled that the Arab party that brought the claim did not have sufficient proof of ownership, they also ruled that the order should go through. This means that vineyards painstakingly planted on this land, that was allotted for Jews to live on, are slated to be bulldozed.

Vineyards in Shiloh

Vineyards in Shiloh

The destruction of the vineyards is scheduled for as early as next week, and if these vineyards are destroyed before the grapes can be harvested, Achiya may lose half of this year’s produce, which will equal nearly half of their income.

You can read more about this disastrous decision by an Israeli court to destroy vineyards owned by Jews at The Israel Guys website.

We’re calling on lovers of Israel to raise their voices and say no to this outrageous destruction of Jewish property, on Jewish owned land, in the Jewish State. One way you can stand with Achiya, and other small businesses in the region is to buy their olive oil here. We are working to place another order as soon as possible. Your purchases are a direct investment in the families and small businesses building Israel’s Heartland.

Shop Olive Oil »

You can also make a difference by sharing this article to your social media, and contact your congressional leaders urging them to make a public statement in support of Israel’s right to live in and work the land in Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria.


14 Responses

Victor Sharpe

Victor Sharpe

January 18, 2022

Israeli Leftwing organizations do all that they can to attack the Jewish pioneers in Judea and Samaria, the Jewish peoples’ very own ancestral and Biblical heartland. They use the court system to routinely impair and overturn Jewish sovereignty in the blessed heartland of Eretz Yisrael; the Land of Israel.

Joseph R Burns Jr

Joseph R Burns Jr

October 21, 2021

Stop with the foolishness. The so called law lacks viability & credence. Let us agree in prayer that the Lord will stop the futile efforts to destroy the vineyards & further, that He will take it as a personal offense since that land ( as well as the entire earth ) belongs to Him. Woe to the created that angers the Creator.

Stevie Mick

Stevie Mick

September 01, 2021

I have joined with HaYovel in supporting Israel and fulfilling Biblical prophecy by pruning grapevines and olive trees in Samaria and Judea. It is hard to imagine how destroying vineyards in Israel’s Heartland blessed by God can accomplish anything good and just.

Ed Howard

Ed Howard

August 24, 2021

I think that the ones who made up that law are the ones that need to be abolished.

Raemarie  Arnold

Raemarie Arnold

August 24, 2021

I love Israel!! Able to visit twice and a short visit to the Wallers November 2019. Praying for Israel every day!!! Israel terrain is a lot like Western Colorado, where I live. High desert. Oh, HaShem in your infinite mercy and Grace, grant amazing miracles to your land!! Protect and defend our Jewish family and our Christian family as they love and serve You!! Raemarie Arnold

Pearl Smith

Pearl Smith

August 22, 2021

What if it were your land? What would you do?

Eric Leibman

Eric Leibman

August 22, 2021

I just shared this with about 200 people on my Twitter list. Maybe other people will do the same?

Eric Leibman

Eric Leibman

August 22, 2021

I think you need to get CUFI involved in this. The Israeli government listens to them.

Kathy  Dee

Kathy Dee

August 22, 2021

Unbelievable! What a dangerous precedent!

Kathy  Dee

Kathy Dee

September 01, 2021

Unbelievable! What a dangerous precedent!

Edward Howard

Edward Howard

August 22, 2021

I do not understand how someone can be forced to destroy 42 acres of their farm land and the crop growing there when the person filing the complaint can’t even prove that he has any right to the land. If you can’t prove ownership or the right of way, you should not have any right to destroy what someone else has worked so hard to accomplish. Whoever came up with that conclusion needs to be charged with aiding the accomplishment of a fraud and punished accordingly.

Lori A Cava

Lori A Cava

August 21, 2021

This situation is sickening and almost unbelievable. Thank you for making this information public, I will definitely pass it along. Right after I purchase some olive oil! May all those that love Israel be blessed. Am Yisrael Chai

José  Oziel  De  Oliveira

José Oziel De Oliveira

August 20, 2021

אני איתך.ישראל בהצלחה .Eu apoio o direito de Israel de viver e desenvolver Jerusalém, Judeia e Samaria.

Felicia Burkhardt

Felicia Burkhardt

August 20, 2021

I wish there’s a petition that could be signed! As an outsider looking in, I think that particular law needs to be abolished!

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