
The raging battle between good and evil

Last Saturday, in a horrendous and despicable terror attack, three IDF soldiers were murdered by an Egyptian border guard who snuck through the fence and opened fire on them. Lia Ben-Nun (19) and Ori Izhak Ilouz (20), were killed when the Egyptian terrorist skulked across the border and shot them and in the ensuing pursuit and manhunt, Ohad Dahan (20), was also shot and killed, according to I24 News.

These three young people, who left behind devastated families and friends, were simply doing their duty protecting their nation from its sworn enemies and were murdered simply by a cowardly terrorist because they were Jewish.

Antisemites showing their true colors

It should go without saying that this evil murder of three young Israelis should be condemned universally.

For a movement like BDS (Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions), which claims to be an "anti-racist human rights movement that is opposed on principle to all forms of discrimination, including anti-semitism," it should be simple for them to call out this attack for what it is, right? Well, no. That is because although the BDS movement claims to be fighting only against Israel's supposed "oppression and human rights violations" against the Palestinians, in reality, they are fundamentally opposed to the State of Israel and seek its destruction. (Learn more about the Boycott, Divest, and Sanction movement against Israel)

How do we know this? Because time and time again they reveal their true goals and the ugly reality of their movement is exposed. In the latest example, just a few days after the murder of these three young IDF soldiers, the BDS Egypt page published a post, not condemning the murders or even calling for peace, but rather mourning the loss of the terrorist and calling him a "martyr," according to the Jerusalem Post. The post, translated from Arabic reads, "In honor of our martyrs, let us step up our popular struggle against the enemy of Israel, for Palestine and for Egypt." The post goes on to offer condolences to the family of the terrorist, lists why Israel is the enemy and ends by saying, "For the sake of Palestine and for the sake of Egypt, let us boycott the Israeli enemy and escalate our popular struggle against it."

Although this support by the BDS movement for the murder of Jews is chilling and revealing, the movement is alive and well in America and people need to step up and speak out against this anti-Israel and anti-semitic movement wherever it rears its head.

Antisemitism alive and well on our university campuses

Antisemitism on US college campuses In May, a video of CUNY law school graduate Fatima Mohammed went viral for her commencement speech which was filled with hatred towards America and Israel as well as support for the anti-Israel BDS movement, according to JNS. Since then, the National Jewish Advocacy Center and the International Legal Forum have called for federal scrutiny into the CUNY School of Law, which has a history of anti-semitism. Also in response, a group of Republican House members filed the “Stop Anti-Semitism on College Campuses Act,” which would punish colleges that are found to have promoted antisemitism and anti-Zionism on campus, the Forward reported. 

The good news and challenge for us

Unfortunately, we see a lot of negativity in the news today and it seems like there is never a shortage of people willing to speak out against Israel. It is not all negative, however. So far in the United States, roughly 36 States have introduced laws or resolutions to fight against the BDS movement and discourage boycotts against Israel. Also in May, U.S. Senator Marco Rubio reintroduced the Combating BDS Act of 2023, which would help state and local governments stand up to the anti-Israel BDS movement. Senator Rick Scott, who co-sponsored the bill, said that “the anti-Israel boycott, divestment, and sanctions (BDS) movement is hateful, disgusting and fuels anti-Semitism – it has no place in our nation."

This sums up the challenge for Christians and supporters of Israel. The legislation that has passed is a good first step, but we need more action and more people to step up in support of Israel. There will never be a shortage of people willing to speak out against Israel, but this hateful anti-semitism has no place in our nation and we must speak out against it wherever we see it. Call your Representatives and tell them to support State and Federal anti-BDS legislation, speak out in your local community in support of Israel, engage with people who don't realize the importance of supporting Israel, and directly combat the BDS movement by supporting families in the Heartland of Israel.

3 Responses

Sherrie Sicam

Sherrie Sicam

June 16, 2023

Thank you, Ben, for posting your insights into the actions of such hateful organizations like BLM and the ouvert antisemitism in colleges like CUNY law school. We need more voices like yours to open people’s eyes and ears to this hatred being unleashed in the US.

Eugene Zieger

Eugene Zieger

June 15, 2023

Thanks to organizations like blessed by Israel for getting the truth of the situation out, as best they can,for people to know the truth of what is going on,there’s a lot of noise out there to wade through so keep up the good work!THANK YOU

Patricia Owen

Patricia Owen

June 15, 2023

Thank you Ben

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