
Israeli Locusts

These Israeli locusts are from the banks of the Jordan River. They're filled with nutritious protein and have a surprisingly delicious taste! They also have a mild and neutral flavor, which makes them easy to pair with almost any dish.

We recommend trying them with Israeli Honey to get the most out of the experience. Be a part of the thread that connects two thousand years of history to John the Baptist.

Customer Reviews

Based on 21 reviews
Velma l.
Better than what I thought

Tasty and crunchy, not bad at all.


These are Fantastic!! I’ve never had Locust until these lol but I love them and am addicted! These are extremely good when paired with the wild honey I bought from here as well. Keep em coming!!

Unique Find

This is going to be a gift, so is still in it's packaging, which is awesome. Beautiful little box with some scripture referring to the eating of locust. I'm a little concerned about the honey, as to get here it travelled through some fairly cold temps, and looks like it has crystalized a bit. But, again, beautiful jar and labeling. Thank you BBI...

Ronald L.
Excellent Gift

I gave it as a gift to my parish priest. He absolutely liked it.

Mrs. A.J.M.
~ Surprisingly Good & Satisfying Taste ~

~ As a Messianic Sephardic Jewish follower of Yeshua, I decided to try the Holy Locusts for the first time. They have a surprisingly good taste, crunchy and pair well with the Wildflower Honey I ordered. Unlike most of the comments made by Christians here, I'll be the first to comment on the Hebrew end. On my next BBI order, I'll order more. Yochanan the Immerser ate locusts ate locusts and wild honey and it is mentioned as a food source in the Torah (Lev. 11:22). With excessively high food prices, we may wind up eating locusts and honey the way the ancient Israelites did and be no worse for wear. I'm glad I bought them; if BBI ever includes dried grasshoppers in their food line, I'll try them as well. ~
