
What's New at Blessed Buy Israel | February 2025

What's on Sale?

Enjoy discounts on products like coffee, soap, teas, and more! Shop Sales Now>>

We Have Jewelry Again!

We recently received more of Sarah Feld's beautiful jewelry pieces, including favorites like "The Land is Very, Very Good" and "Israel in my Heart". We have a limited supply, so make sure to get yours while they last! Shop Jewelry

Are You Ready for Tomorrow Morning?

Enjoying a cup of tea in the Jerusalem Forest with David Ross of Shalva

It’s early morning; time for morning prayer, or maybe a devotional time, or maybe just a time of listening and communing with nature. Whatever your morning routine is, it remains incomplete without a cup of delicious brew from the beautiful land of Israel. As the weather turns into the cold gray of winter, the best way to greet the day is with a warm cup of sunrise from the Land of Promise. 

The Prophet Isaiah wrote, “In the night I search for you; in the morning I earnestly seek you.” So, whether, it be a cup of tea in the night hours, or an early morning cup of joe, make sure your routine includes the goodness of God from the very good land of Israel! Not only will your mouth and body enjoy the experience, but your soul will as well! Shop Coffee & Tea

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